Six 3D Printing Technologies

Six 3D printing technologies that will increase the competitiveness of your enterprise. Full Color Inkjet Printing (CJP) | Multi-jet printing (MJP) | Laser Stereo lithography (SLA) | Selective laser sintering (SLS) | Selective laser melting (SLM / DMP) | Conclusion

To make a master model for casting, a prototype or a finished product made of high-strength alloy? 3D-printing in production can solve a wide range of tasks, allowing to reduce time and material costs at times.

In this post we decided to make a system review of additive technologies that are used in our solutions offered by our company.

Full-color 3D inkjet printing

Original name: ColorJet Printing (CJP).

Principle of action: layer-by-layer bonding of gypsum powder with a special adhesive compound.

Areas of application: prototyping, small-scale production.

Industries: industrial production, architecture, production of souvenirs, consumer goods, packaging and packaging.

Main advantages:

-wide color rendition;


-high printing speed (5-10 times faster than other technologies);

-low cost;

-non-waste use of the material.

Features: lack of support.

-Minuses of technology:

-fragility of articles from gypsum;

-the need for post processing.

-Equipment type: professional 3D printers.

The lineup:

-3D Systems ProJet CJP  360;

-3D Systems  ProJet CJP  460Plus;

-3D Systems  ProJet CJP  660Pro ;

-3D Systems  ProJet CJP  860Pro.

Multi-jet printing

Original name: MultiJet Printing (MJP).

Principle of operation: layered construction of products from wax or photopolymer materials.

Areas of application: the creation of prototypes, rigging, models for testing, testing for the collection or approval of design; casting for melted and burned models.

Industries: Foundry, automotive, jewelry , medicine, consumer goods.


Main advantages:

-high speed of printing;

-exceptional detail and accuracy of construction;

-a variety of model materials;

-simplicity of operation of additive installations.

-Features: Supports availability.

Minuses of technology:

-limited range of consumables;

-models are vulnerable to sunlight.

-Equipment type:  professional 3D printers.

The lineup:

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600W (wax);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600W Max (wax);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 2500W (wax);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 2500 (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 2500 Plus (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600 (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600 Max (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600 Dental (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet MJP 5600 (photopolymer).

Laser Stereolithography

Original title: Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA).

Principle of operation: layered cultivation of models from a liquid photopolymer, which solidifies under a laser beam or a UV lamp. Areas of application: the creation of prototypes, fixtures and accessories, casting on burned models.

Industries: aerospace industry, automotive industry , instrument making, jewelry, medicine, science, art.

Main advantages:

Speed of 3D printers;

-High accuracy and strength, as well as the ideal surface quality of products;

-The possibility of constructing models of complex shapes and structures;

-A large volume of the working chamber (for a 3D printer 3D Systems ProX 950 – 150 x 75 x 55 cm);

-Grown prototype can be used as a finished product.

-Features: no special accessories and intermediate processing steps are required; simple post-processing.

Minuses of technology:

Significant initial investment;

Special requirements for the premises and operating conditions;

The need for training a technical specialist to work with industrial equipment.

Equipment type:  industrial 3D printers / professional 3D printers *.

The lineup:

-3D Systems ProJet 6000 HD (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet 7000 HD (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProX 800 (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProX 950 (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProX 800 (ceramic-filled photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProX 950 (photopolymer);

-3D Systems ProJet 1200 (technology Micro-SLA, photopolymer).

-3D Systems FabPro 1000  (technology Micro-SLA, photopolymer).

Selective laser sintering

Original name: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).

Principle of action: point sintering of plastic powders with different components of a laser beam.

Areas of application: functional prototyping, small-scale production, investment casting.

Industries: engineering, aerospace, foundry, construction, architecture.

Main advantages:

High speed of printing;

The ability to create products of the most complicated shapes and textures;

Excellent mechanical characteristics of printed models;

Large size camera builds (550 x 550 x 750 mm in a 3D printer 3D Systems sPro 230).

Features: no supports; Finishing or polishing may be required.

Minuses of technology:

High cost of materials and equipment;

The need to handle rough or porous surfaces printed on the 3D printer products;

Special requirements for the premises and operating conditions.

Equipment type:  industrial 3D printers.

The lineup:

-3D Systems sPro 60 HD-HS (polystyrene);

-3D Systems sPro 60 HD-HS (polyamide);

-3D Systems sPro 140 (polyamide);

-3D Systems sPro 230 (polyamide);

-3D Systems ProX 500 (polyamide);

-3D Systems ProX SLS 6100 (polyamide).

Selective laser melting

Original name: Selective Laser Melting / Direct Metal Printing (SLM / DMP).

Principle of operation: consecutive layer-by-layer melting of metallic powder material   by means of powerful laser radiation.

Spheres of application: manufacturing components of assemblies and units, geometrically complex constructions, prototypes, mold parts, jewelry and dental products, etc.

Industries: engineering, aerospace, energy, oil and gas, metalworking , medicine, jewelry, science.

Main advantages:

High accuracy, density and repeatability of products;

Possibility of printing unique complex objects, including the smallest details and products with internal cavities;

Reduction in the mass of products;

Saving material;

Reduction of the cycle of R & D.

Features: minimal machining required no need to use expensive tooling; topological optimization allows you to control the physical and mechanical properties of products that can exceed the results available to traditional technologies.

Minuses of technology:

-Large initial investments;

-Special requirements for the premises and operating conditions;

-The complexity in integrating 3D solutions into traditional technological processes.

-Equipment type:  industrial 3D printers.

The lineup:

-SLM Solutions SLM 125;

-SLM Solutions SLM 280;

-SLM Solutions SLM 280 2.0;

-SLM Solutions SLM 500 ;

-SLM Solutions SLM 800 ;

3D Systems ProX DMP 100;

-3D Systems ProX DMP 100 Dental;

-3D Systems ProX DMP 200;

-3D Systems ProX DMP 200 Dental;

-3D Systems ProX DMP 300;

-3D Systems ProX DMP 320 Titan ;

-3D Systems DMP 8500 Factory Solution .


Technologies of 3D-printing continue to develop rapidly and become more accessible literally before our very eyes. New materials are being developed; productivity, reliability and convenience of printers are improving. These and many other advantages will allow to gradually minimizing the shortcomings of 3D technologies, primarily the high cost of consumables and equipment. Additive methods will be increasingly introduced into the production cycle of classical productions, significantly saving time and money. All this will allow enterprises to use completely new, much more profitable business models.