3d visualization in medicine and diagnostics

Computer 3D-visualization covers more and more spheres. It is used everywhere: in construction, in design, in advertising and many other areas. Recently, medicine has become one of such spheres.

Birth of a medical illustration

Initially, medical imaging was simple illustrations. After all, since the human body began to be studied by doctors in ancient times, they sketched various organs for their better understanding and demonstration to colleagues. Even in the Age of Revival, artists painstakingly drew the insides of various living beings, spending a lot of time and energy on it.


Medical illustration and is now quite actively used, but it has a lot of shortcomings. Its creation takes some time, and work is usually needed as quickly as possible. In this case, even the most skilful artist is unlikely to be able to quickly and accurately illustrate the brains or other human organs, and yet you need to draw several projections from different sides!

The same goes for the various processes taking place in the body. They need to be seen in real time, and not drawn, in order to properly understand their essence.

Advantages of 3d-visualization

That is why medical 3D-visualization quickly became popular. Only with its help can we adequately depict biological processes or structures. This is needed in various public appearances to support illustrations of the speaker’s words. At modern symposiums and conferences of medical subjects, 3D mapping is quite common in recent times.

Therefore, it often turns out that ordering visualization in 3DMax will be a much better solution than referring to artists and illustrators. After all, the team of specialists will cope with the work much faster, although this process is more complicated and expensive in terms of time than the illustration in 2D.

Some complex structures of viruses in an adequate for perception form can be displayed only by means of three-dimensional visualization and nothing else. After all, the only way to explain what is happening in them will be a person who does not have much competence in the matter under discussion.

Models are universal in use!

As a result of the implementation of high-quality medical 3D-visualization, three-dimensional models are obtained, which can be considered in the smallest detail from all sides. They can be rotated, brought closer and removed, and performed other manipulations. All this makes the learning process or performance much clearer, and therefore more effective. To find out how much 3D visualization costs , you can visit our website. The consultant will be able to evaluate the scope of work and answer any questions you are interested in!